the treatment of back pain

When you see the back pain immediately arises the idea of radiculitis. In reality, the cause of the shameful feeling in the lower part of the back can even be pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, prior to the development of therapeutic scheme doctors carefully examined the patient. When you suffer from lower back pain in the lumbar area, to heal the pathology, you can solve the neurologist. Often, the completion of the therapy is connected to physicians narrow specializations, a gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist, a medical oncologist, the gynecologist, the urologist. In function of diagnostics of diseases, the additional treatment is performed at home or in the hospital.

How to treat pain in the lower back

Basic principles of treatment of

The pain that affect the lumbar spine, they can use that aching nature or manifest strong and strong seizures. If during the examination the patient does not detect pathologies of other organ systems, means of life, in the therapeutic scheme includes the following activities:

  • receipt of pharmaceutical products to the outrage of inflammatory processes, eliminate pain, of the recovery of the bones and tissues of the joints;
  • conducting physiotherapy procedures to speed up the regeneration of the vertebrae and skeletal muscles;
  • classes of physiotherapy exercises or the gym.

When sudden and severe pain of restriction of movement, patients are assigned to drugs for intramuscular administration. As a general rule, in this case will be done inpatient in the hospital. After improving the state of the patient prescribed for your recovery at home.

The correct method for the treatment of

The main cause of back pain - destructively, degenerative damage to the vertebrae or formed an intervertebral hernia. As if the success or held the treatment, doctors recommend patients to solve the problem of their traditional way of life which provoked pathology factor. Otherwise, the illness returns after a period of time, it will enter the chronic form, dangerous to their relapse.

With frequent pains in the lower part of the back must replace the assets of the practice of sports, walks in the fresh air

Begin to heal acute or pulling pain in the lower back should be with the compliance of bedding and so. When the cause of the pathology becomes an inflammatory process, even a mild motor activity contributes to its dissemination. Neuropathologists advise to buy orthopedic pillow and mattress. They reduce the load on your back, to avoid the pressure and the crush of the muscles and of the nerve roots. If there is a possibility of buying special devices, you must select for sleeping, the mattress and the pillow of medium hardness.

To speed up the recovery should be in the process of treatment to apply these medical recommendations:

  • avoid any physical activity and asset classes of sports. In the rehabilitation phase, you can practice yoga, swimming or just a long walk in the fresh air;
  • exclude the intake of fatty food and fried foods. Negatively affecting the state of the blood vessels located in the lumbar region of the spine, contributing to the deposition of harmful cholesterol. The deficit of nutrients and biologically active substances is one of the reasons of the destruction of the bone tissue;
  • not drinking and not smoking. If you are unable to overcome harmful dependence at all, at least at the time of treatment should be to forget about it. Toxic as the tar, nicotine, ethanol is harmful, affecting the veins, arteries and capillaries, delaying the recovery of the skeletal, articular, and cartilaginous tissues for men and women.

To speed up the recovery will help you to receive a balanced complex of vitamins and trace elements. Some of them contain higher amount of calcium, but these medicines can be taken only under medical prescription.

Pharmacological remedies

Despite the effectiveness of the remedies and physiotherapy procedures, a strong pain in the back are able to solve rapidly only of pharmacies of drugs. If feelings of discomfort are expressed weakly, will help change the reception of capsules, pills and tablets. And with intense pain neurologists are prescribed to alleviate the condition of the patient through an iv and injected intramuscularly. Many of the medications used for the treatment of the waist, have serious side effects and have many contraindications. Avoid the negative consequences will enable strict compliance with medical recommendations relating to the applied dose and the duration of the reception.

Physiotherapy procedures

Most of these measures medicinal not assigned to patients with pain caused by the acute inflammatory process. The procedures that begin after the attack on pharmacological drugs. Physical therapy is used for the normalization of the exchange, the regeneration of the tissues, to prevent further degenerative changes in the lumbar region of the spine. With the degree of physical therapy procedure to get rid of back pain:

  • electrophoresis. The handling is designed to ensure the rapid delivery of medications (nsaids, analgesics, anesthetics, chondroprotectors) in damaged areas of the waist. In the process of performing the electrophoresis in the back of the patient have cotton swabs soaked in the provision of drugs solution. The top overlap of the plate, through which omitted the current. Under the influence of electrical impulses to the molecules of the chemical substances quickly penetrate into the area of inflammation;
  • the ultrasound therapy. Oscillation of ultrasonic waves stimulate the circulation of blood in the lower part of the back. In the damaged tissue begin to invade the nutrients and biologically active substances, as well as molecular oxygen. After the celebration of 5-10 procedures in the patient disappear, the pain caused by relieve the spasm of muscles and strengthening of the metabolism;
  • lazeroterapiya. Laser, polarized light is used in the treatment of destructive forms of changes in lumbar intervertebral discs. Under the influence of the infrared radiation is restores blood flow to joints and cartilaginous tissues, normalizes metabolism. Physiotherapy contributes to the removal of the vertebral column of slags, toxins, end products of the inflammatory process;
  • the magnetic therapy. During the procedure the patient acting on the magnetic field for the stimulation of the blood circulation in the damaged tissue.
The electrophoresis was assigned to patients for the treatment of pain in the lower back and the outrage of the inflammatory process

Manipulation is an outrage in more damage to the lumbar vertebrae and to prevent the spread of the inflammation in the healthy tissue. The result is the disappearance of the painful sensations, and the full recovery of range of motion.

For the treatment of severe pain, you can give in the leg, the arm, the bone of the tail, physiotherapy is combined with the intake of drugs. And in the period of rehabilitation or at the time of the remission of the chronic pathology of the spine in patients recommended mud treatment, bath with mineral water, the classic and precise, massage, acupuncture.

The recipes of the traditional healers of

For the treatment of low back pain healers have recommended drinking a lot of liquid. Pure water, chamomile tea and rosehip oil, compote of berries and fruits you can take of the spine are end-products of the inflammation, impurities and toxins. As plenty of drink in the popular medicine used infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Useful plants contain biologically active substances with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic properties.

As you can cure back pain healing flasks:

  • in a thermos pour 3 tablespoons blueberry leaves, grass of san juan and of the nails, pour a liter of boiling water and push for about an hour. Strain, drinks with flavor to the infusion in place of tea and coffee;
  • in enameled or in a crystal container to put the handful of berries, dried rose hip oil, blueberries, and juniper, pour 2 liters of hot water. Consume in a water bath between 30 and 40 minutes, strain and drink 0.5 glass of the infusion before each meal.

The back pain can resolve compress or in an ointment based on natural products. How to cook the drug:

  1. Melt in a bath of water 3 tablespoons of natural honey, leave to cool and mix with 2 tablespoons tablespoons pharmacist of alcohol.
  2. In the mixture gently introduce 100 ml of petroleum jelly and rub on damaged areas of the waist.

This tool is used for the treatment of compresses pain in the back. To this end, the mixture should not rub, and distribute a thin layer onto the skin. The upper part is necessary to impose a polyethylene film, and then wrap the warm coat of the scarf. The duration of the procedure is 3-4 hours.

The treatment of lower back pain typically takes place in the home. Only when the diagnosis of an acute inflammatory process are hospitalized every patient in the hospital. Depending on the cause of the pathology of the therapy usually takes from two weeks to several months. But the implementation of the recommendations of doctors significantly accelerates the recovery, as evidenced by the customers cured of the patients.

The infusions of medicinal herbs to rid of the person from back pain, cleaned up the spine of the slag and toxins